Saturday, March 6, 2010

Turkey turkey

I had a good day at the gym. Here is how it went...

30 min on elliptical
5 min cool down on elliptical
floor work for at least 15 min (crunches, body lift things, balance exercises, and some others)
32 min on treadmill- walk at 3.0 for 2min, jog at 4.0 for 1min

I was tired after I was done. And I don't think I had a big enough breakfast for such a workout. I got up and I wasn't hungry...Which happens alot. I knew that I had to have something before the gym so I grabbed a Luna bar (which I love..if you haven't tried them yet go get some!!!) It was delish but just not enough.

So after the gym I stopped at the store down the road and got a few groceries. Mandarin oranges and strawberries look so good. The rest of the day has been pretty laid back. Just hanging around the house. My gram made her turkey meatloaf. OMG sooooo good. I love it! Maybe too much but hey its me and I love food. But this is a healthy recipe or as healthy as meatloaf can be. YUM.

Tomorrow I am hanging with my best friend Holly! YEA! I am treating her for her b-day. Prob lunch and a movie. I'll let you know. I'll try to be good. Not sure where we are going for lunch. Its her pick. I hope not Chinese. My addiction to Chinese food is for another post. lol. Well where ever she picks I'm sure will have something relatively healthy.

Anyway....has anyone seen any good movies lately? Not sure what to see. Have an awesome day tomorrow. We are having a heat wave here. lol forty degrees in march. Feels wonderful. Good Night.

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